Date Title Church
22 Mar 2009  1. The God of Reality
(Psalm 14) 
Emmanuel Wimbledon
(Ben Shaw
07 Sep 2008  Psalm 14
(Psalm 14) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Simon Martin
07 Sep 2008  Psalm 14
(Psalm 14) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Simon Martin
20 Jul 2008  The heart of a fool
(Psalm 14) 
Cambridge Presbyterian Church
(Dick Lucas
25 Jan 2004  Sin explained
(Psalm 14) 
St Ebbes, Oxford
(Philip Jensen
13 Jun 1993  What the fool says in his heart
(Psalm 14) 
St Andrew the Great
(Phil Long
19 Jan 2014  The foolishness of atheism
(Psalm 14:1) 
Buccleuch Free Church
(Alex MacDonald
10 Aug 2008  The Atheist
(Psalm 14:1-7) 
St Helen's, Bishopsgate
(Dick Lucas