Date Title Church
29 Dec 2019  All Age Service - True blessing
(Psalms 1) 
St John's Hartford
(Mike Smith
29 Dec 2019  All Age Service - True blessing
(Psalms 1) 
St John's Hartford
(Mike Smith
29 Dec 2019  Carol of the Three Kings
(Psalms 139:1-18) 
Emmanuel Church Bicester 
10 Nov 2019  Remembrance Day
(Psalms 103:8-19 & Luke 23:32-43) 
Christ Church Bromley 
10 Nov 2019  Psalm 49
(Psalms 49:1-49:20) 
Bishop Hannington
(Stephen Demetriou
27 Oct 2019  Psalm 47 - Praise God! How?
(Psalms 47:1-47:9) 
Bishop Hannington
(Phil Moon
13 Oct 2019  Psalm 46
(Psalms 46:1-46:11) 
Bishop Hannington
(Stephen Demetriou
06 Oct 2019  Psalm 45 - Christ, the Beautiful Bridegroom
(Psalms 45:1-45:17) 
Bishop Hannington
(Phil Washington
06 Oct 2019  Thankful
(Psalms 136:1-26) 
Emmanuel Chippenham 
23 Sep 2019  How can a God of love allow suffering?
(Psalms 8) 
St John's Downshire Hill
(Chris Stead
23 Sep 2019  How can a God of love allow suffering?
(Psalms 8) 
St John's Downshire Hill
(Chris Stead
22 Sep 2019  Ligon Duncan - God: Our Everlasting Dwelling Place (Psalms 90:1-17
(Psalms 90:1-17</strong>) 
Capitol Hill Baptist Church
(Ligon Duncan
22 Sep 2019  Psalm 42-43 The Christian Life
(Psalms 42:1-43:5) 
Bishop Hannington
(Don Bawtree
15 Sep 2019  The path of pride
(Psalms 131) 
City Church Birmingham
(John James
08 Sep 2019  Mark Vroegop - The Grace of Lament (Psalms 77:1-20
(Psalms 77:1-20</strong>) 
Capitol Hill Baptist Church
(Mark Vroegop
08 Sep 2019  Psalms 42 and 43
(Psalms 42) 
City Church Birmingham
(Craig Summers
02 Sep 2019  Will Your Life Count for Anything?
(Psalms 90:1-90:17) 
Duke Street Church
(John Samuel
01 Sep 2019  Psalm 12
(Psalms 12) 
St John's Hartford
(Danny Greaves
01 Sep 2019  Psalm 12
(Psalms 12) 
St John's Hartford
(Danny Greaves
25 Aug 2019  The God who reveals himself
(Psalms 19) 
Christ Church Kensington
(Andy Fenton