Date Title Church
02 Aug 2019  Do Not Murder
(Exodus 20:13) 
Grace Evangelical Church, Sharjah 
04 Nov 2018  6. You shall not murder
(Exodus 20:13) 
Trinity Church York 
13 May 2018  Exodus 20:13
(Exodus 20:13) 
St Andrews Free Church 
13 May 2018  Exodus 20:13
(Exodus 20:13) 
St Andrews Free Church 
18 Mar 2018  The Ten: Commandments for Today - Do Not Murder
(Exodus 20:13) 
River City Christian
(Brian Webber
18 Feb 2018  The Dignity of Humanity
(Exodus 20:13) 
Christ Central Church Durham 
18 Feb 2018  The Gift of Life
(Exodus 20:13) 
Grace London
(Andrew Haslam
18 Feb 2018  The Gift of Life
(Exodus 20:13) 
Grace London
(Andrew Haslam
10 Jun 2017  Matt 5:21-26 - Peace
(Exodus 20:13) 
West Ryde Anglican Church 
13 Feb 2017  Manage Your Anger
(Exodus 20:13) 
Emmanuel Church Bicester 
12 Feb 2017  Fugitive Love: Why Its Time for the Murderers Stop Running
(Exodus 20:13) 
Boro City Church 
12 Feb 2017  Fugitive Love: Why Its Time for the Murderers Stop Running
(Exodus 20:13) 
Boro City Church 
12 Feb 2017  Fugitive Love: Why Its Time for the Murderers Stop Running
(Exodus 20:13) 
Boro City Church 
21 Feb 2016  5. The 6th commandment
(Exodus 20:13) 
Emmanuel Wimbledon
(Robin Weekes
29 Jun 2014  You Shall Not Murder
(Exodus 20:13) 
Solihull Presbyterian Church
(Stephen Dancer
16 Mar 2014  Six!
(Exodus 20:13) 
St Columba's Free Church
(Derek Lamont
27 Oct 2013  Valuing life
(Exodus 20:13) 
St Benet's Welsh Church
(Aneirin Glyn
24 Feb 2013  6: Murder
(Exodus 20:13) 
St Andrew the Great
(Alasdair Paine
24 Jun 2012  No Hateful Hearts - + Matthew 5:21-26
(Exodus 20:13) 
Belvidere Road Church
(Ian Higham
11 Nov 2010  Murder in the office?
(Exodus 20:13) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Barry Cooper