Date Title Speaker Count  
12 Mar 2007 15:07  028_The law and the promise_Andy Brown_pm11thMarch2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
12 Mar 2007 14:40  027_Secrets of Prayer-Supplication_Stephen Bowen_am11thMarch2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
12 Mar 2007 14:40  027_Secrets of Prayer-Supplication_Stephen Bowen_am11thMarch2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
11 Mar 2007 18:00  The law and the promise 
Andy Brown  0 
11 Mar 2007 10:00  Secrets of Prayer-Supplication 
Stephen Bowen  0 
5 Mar 2007 12:57  026_The temptations_Alan Mathers_pm4thMarch2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
5 Mar 2007 12:57  026_The temptations_Alan Mathers_pm4thMarch2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
5 Mar 2007 10:39  025_Secrets of Prayer_Thanksgiving_Stephen Bowen_am4thMarch2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
5 Mar 2007 10:39  025_Secrets of Prayer_Thanksgiving_Stephen Bowen_am4thMarch2007 
St John's, Felbridge  1 
4 Mar 2007 18:00  The temptations 
Alan Mathers  0 
4 Mar 2007 10:00  Secrets of Prayer_Thanksgiving 
Stephen Bowen  0 
27 Feb 2007 07:48  024_The spiritual,legal and moral crisis facing the Nation_Andrea Williams_pm25thFebruary2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
27 Feb 2007 07:48  024_The spiritual,legal and moral crisis facing the Nation_Andrea Williams_pm25thFebruary2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
26 Feb 2007 11:35  023_Secrets of Prayer- Confession_Peter Davies_am25thFebruary2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
26 Feb 2007 11:35  023_Secrets of Prayer- Confession_Peter Davies_am25thFebruary2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
25 Feb 2007 18:00  The spiritual,legal and moral crisis facing the Nation 
Andrea Williams  0 
25 Feb 2007 10:00  Secrets of Prayer- Confession 
Peter Davies  0 
19 Feb 2007 17:29  022_Faith or keeping the law_Stephen Bowen_pm18thFebruary2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
19 Feb 2007 17:29  022_Faith or keeping the law_Stephen Bowen_pm18thFebruary2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
19 Feb 2007 14:19  021_Secrets of Prayer- Adoration_Stephen Bowen_am18thFebruary2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0