Date Title Speaker Count  
30 Apr 2007 12:42  041_Read your bible, pray every day_Stephen Bowen_am29thApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
29 Apr 2007 18:00  Living by the Spirit 
Andy Brown  0 
29 Apr 2007 10:00  Read your bible, pray every day 
Stephen Bowen  1 
23 Apr 2007 12:12  040_Falling from Freedom_Stephen Bowen_pm22ndApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
23 Apr 2007 12:12  040_Falling from Freedom_Stephen Bowen_pm22ndApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
23 Apr 2007 12:05  039_We are the body of Christ_Stephen Bowen_am22ndApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
23 Apr 2007 12:05  039_We are the body of Christ_Stephen Bowen_am22ndApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
22 Apr 2007 18:00  Falling from Freedom 
Stephen Bowen  0 
22 Apr 2007 10:00  We are the body of Christ 
Stephen Bowen  0 
16 Apr 2007 15:54  038_Sent and Equipped_Alan Mathers_pm15thApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
16 Apr 2007 15:54  038_Sent and Equipped_Alan Mathers_pm15thApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
16 Apr 2007 15:50  037_Obiedience, Love and Service_Andy Brown_am15thApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
16 Apr 2007 15:50  037_Obiedience, Love and Service_Andy Brown_am15thApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
15 Apr 2007 18:00  Sent and Equipped 
Alan Mathers  0 
15 Apr 2007 10:00  Obiedience, Love and Service 
Andy Brown  0 
10 Apr 2007 16:04  036_The Easter Message_Stephen Bowen_pm8thApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
10 Apr 2007 16:04  036_The Easter Message_Stephen Bowen_pm8thApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
10 Apr 2007 15:58  035_Christ the Firstfruits_Stephen Bowen_Communion8thApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
10 Apr 2007 15:58  035_Christ the Firstfruits_Stephen Bowen_Communion8thApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
10 Apr 2007 15:53  034_What a Morning_Stephen Bowen_Family8thApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0