Date Title Speaker Count  
10 Apr 2007 15:53  034_What a Morning_Stephen Bowen_Family8thApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
8 Apr 2007 18:00  The Easter Message 
Stephen Bowen  0 
8 Apr 2007 10:00  Christ the Firstfruits 
Stephen Bowen  0 
8 Apr 2007 10:00  What a Morning 
Stephen Bowen  0 
2 Apr 2007 13:56  033_Freedom and slavery_Stephen Bowen_pm1stApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
2 Apr 2007 13:56  033_Freedom and slavery_Stephen Bowen_pm1stApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
2 Apr 2007 08:49  032_Who is This?_Peter Davies_am1stApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
2 Apr 2007 08:49  032_Who is This?_Peter Davies_am1stApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
1 Apr 2007 18:00  Freedom and slavery 
Stephen Bowen  0 
1 Apr 2007 10:00  Who is This? 
Peter Davies  2 
26 Mar 2007 14:20  031_The fragrance of Jesus_Michael Toogood_am25thMarch2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
26 Mar 2007 14:20  031_The fragrance of Jesus_Michael Toogood_am25thMarch2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
25 Mar 2007 10:00  The fragrance of Jesus 
Michael Toogood  1 
21 Mar 2007 05:42  030_All sons of God_Stephen Bowen_pm18thMarch2007 
St John's, Felbridge  1 
21 Mar 2007 05:42  030_All sons of God_Stephen Bowen_pm18thMarch2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
19 Mar 2007 19:14  029_Follow me_Stephen Bowen_am18thMarch2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
19 Mar 2007 19:14  029_Follow me_Stephen Bowen_am18thMarch2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
18 Mar 2007 18:00  All sons of God 
Stephen Bowen  0 
18 Mar 2007 10:00  Follow me 
Stephen Bowen  0 
12 Mar 2007 15:07  028_The law and the promise_Andy Brown_pm11thMarch2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0