Date Title Speaker Count  
21 May 2007 15:54  047_Holy Communion_Stephen Bowen_am20thMay2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
20 May 2007 18:00  The victory of faith 
Stephen Bowen  0 
20 May 2007 18:00  Challenge and Promises 
Stephen Bowen  0 
20 May 2007 10:00  The Church on fire 
Peter Davies  2 
20 May 2007 10:00  Holy Communion 
Stephen Bowen  0 
16 May 2007 12:47  046_Boasting in the cross_Andy Brown_pm13thMay2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
16 May 2007 12:47  046_Boasting in the cross_Andy Brown_pm13thMay2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
16 May 2007 12:38  045_One world, one church, one concern_Stephen Bowen_am13thMay2007
(Luke 9: 1-10
St John's, Felbridge  0 
16 May 2007 12:38  045_One world, one church, one concern_Stephen Bowen_am13thMay2007
(Luke 9: 1-10
St John's, Felbridge  0 
13 May 2007 18:00  Boasting in the cross 
Andy Brown  0 
13 May 2007 10:00  One world, one church, one concern
(Luke 9: 1-10
Stephen Bowen  0 
8 May 2007 11:03  044_Do good to all_Alan Mathers_pm6thMay2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
8 May 2007 11:03  044_Do good to all_Alan Mathers_pm6thMay2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
8 May 2007 10:55  043_Believe and trust in Jesus_Stephen Bowen_am6thMay2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
8 May 2007 10:55  043_Believe and trust in Jesus_Stephen Bowen_am6thMay2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
6 May 2007 18:00  Do good to all 
Alan Mathers  0 
6 May 2007 10:00  Believe and trust in Jesus 
Stephen Bowen  0 
30 Apr 2007 12:53  042_Living by the Spirit_Andy Brown_pm29thApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
30 Apr 2007 12:53  042_Living by the Spirit_Andy Brown_pm29thApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0 
30 Apr 2007 12:42  041_Read your bible, pray every day_Stephen Bowen_am29thApril2007 
St John's, Felbridge  0