Date Title Church
13 Mar 2016  The Great Escape
(Exodus 13:17-14:31) 
Church by the Bay
(Gerry Straker
02 Nov 2015  Exodus 13:17-15:21
(Exodus 13:17-15:21) 
St Andrews Free Church 
01 Nov 2015  Exodus 13 v17 - 14 v31
(Exodus 13:17 - Exodus 14:31) 
St. Paul's Clacton 
23 Aug 2015  Into the Wilderness
(Exodus 13:17-22) 
Trinity Church Charlottesville 
19 Jul 2015  Moses: Crossing the Sea
(Exodus 13:17-15:21) 
ChristChurch London
(Jo Wells
22 Mar 2015  Deep water
(Exodus 13:17-14:31) 
St Andrew the Great
(Nathan Buttery
02 Nov 2014  8. Salvation Through The Sea
(Exodus 13:17 - Exodus 14:31) 
Grace Church Manchester
(Jeremy Poyner
07 Sep 2014  What has God done for his people?
(Exodus 13:17-14:31) 
St Andrew's Chelsea
(Paul Dawson
07 Sep 2014  What has God done for his people?
(Exodus 13:17-14:31) 
St Andrew's Chelsea
(Paul Dawson
27 Apr 2014  Free at Last
(Exodus 13:17–21) 
Hadleigh Baptist Church 
05 Jan 2014  God’s Guidance for the New Year
(Exodus 13:17-14) 
St Mary's Church London
(Emily Norman
15 Sep 2013  An Enemy Destroyed
(Exodus 13:17-14:31) 
Emmanuel Church Bath
(Jonny Norris
28 Apr 2013  Exodus 13:17 to 14:18
(Exodus 13:17) 
Gwersyllt Church
(Ian Hughes
28 Apr 2013  See The Lord's Rescue
(Exodus 13:17-14:31) 
Christ Church Bromley
(Iain Broomfield
10 Mar 2013  5. His Presence
(Exodus 13:17-14:31) 
Emmanuel Wimbledon
(Rupert Shelley
05 Aug 2012  Exodus 13:17-14:31 & 1 Corinthians 10:1-2
(Exodus 13:17-14:31 & 1 Corinthians 10:1-2) 
Holyrood Evangelical Church
(Phil Hair
26 Jun 2011  Exodus 14: Crossing the Red Sea
(Exodus 13:17-14:31) 
Christ Church Newcastle
(Hugo Charteris
26 Jun 2011  Exodus 14: Crossing the Red Sea
(Exodus 13:17-14:31) 
Christ Church Newcastle
(Hugo Charteris
21 Nov 2010  A tight spot?
(Exodus 13:17-15:21) 
St Helen's, Bishopsgate
(Aneirin Glyn
16 May 2010  The God of Glory and of Salvation
(Exodus 13:17) 
Charlotte Chapel
(Paul Rees