Recent sermons

Date Title Count
2 Feb 2020 20:00  Exodus: Is God a Liar?
(Exodus 6:1-13: What do we believe about God when things don't go our way? Is God still good? God
2 Feb 2020 20:00  Exodus: Is God a Liar?
(Exodus 6:1-13: What do we believe about God when things don't go our way? Is God still good? God
27 Jan 2020  Stuff: Giving
(2 Corinthians 9:6-11: Another sermon on giving: Blah, blah, blah: Haven't we heard this all alre
19 Jan 2020 20:00  Stuff: Membership
(1 Corinthians 12:12: Words we like, words we don't: Not sure where you land on 'membership': We'
5 Jan 2020 20:00  Resolution
(Ephesians 3:14-21: Maybe what we need isn't more resolutions that depend on us and our abilities
15 Dec 2019 20:00  AntiAdvent: Discontent
(Psalm 126:1-3: Are you having trouble finding joy? Experiencing it in your everyday life? Maybe
8 Dec 2019 20:00  AntiAdvent: Anxiety
(John 16:33: Let's be honest: we're worried a lot: There is a lot to be anxious about too: But no
1 Dec 2019 20:00  AntiAdvent: Despair
(Hebrews 6:19: We also struggle in big or small ways with hopelessness in some area (or many) of
25 Nov 2019  Exodus: Bad to Worse 
17 Nov 2019 20:00  Exodus: 3 Hard Things
(Exodus 4:18-31: There's some hard stuff in the Bible: Stuff we don't like: Stuff we don't understand
10 Nov 2019 08:00  Exodus: Send Someone Else
(Exodus 4:1-17: We all have obstacles to obedience so it's always nice to hear them said first by
3 Nov 2019 19:00  Exodus: The Yam God 
27 Oct 2019 19:00  Exodus: Plan B
(Exodus 2:11-25: What happens when we make big plans in life and then everything goes off the rai
13 Oct 2019 19:00  Exodus: Basketbaby
(Exodus 2:1-10: Things are bad: It's a dangerous world out there: And like us, Moses is born into
6 Oct 2019 19:00  Exodus: God Do You See 
29 Sep 2019 19:00  CL: Endure in Hope
(1 Thessalonians 1:3: In the last instalment of our Church Life series, we're diving into the las
22 Sep 2019 19:00  CL: Labour of Love
(1 Thessalonians 1:3: What does love have to do with sacrifice? How does this mark the Church? Sh
15 Sep 2019 19:00  CL: Your Work of Faith
(1 Thessalonians 1:1-3: Work: Faith: Both words to stress us out: Unless maybe somehow we are cal
8 Sep 2019 19:00  CL: What Are We Doing
(1 Thessalonians 1:1-3: Kickoff Sunday means church stuff: Maybe a little guilt and program pushi
21 Jul 2019 19:00  Proverbs: Wounds of a Friend
(Proverbs 27:5-6: Most of us don't take correction well: We don't give feedback or receive it wit