Date Title Church
14 May 2023  Privileged by the Kingdom's Presence
(Matthew 11:7–15 by Bret Rogers) 
Redeemer Church of Fort Worth, TX 
06 Mar 2022  Solemn Realities Of Gospel Proclamation
(Matthew 11:7-24) 
Belvidere Road Church
(Ian Higham
23 May 2021  Greater than the greatest
(Matthew 11:7-15) 
St Andrew the Great
(Christopher Ash
23 May 2021  Greater than the greatest
(Matthew 11:7-15) 
St Andrew the Great
(Christopher Ash
26 Jul 2020  John is the Elijah who was to come
(Matthew 11:7-19 (Luke 7:24-35)) 
Brookdale Church
(Jonathan Smith
17 May 2020  Matthew 11:7-19
(Matthew 11:7-19) 
Speke Baptist Church 
10 Mar 2013  Crossroads Mission Training 8: A Warning to Spectators
(Matthew 11:7-19) 
Holy Trinity Lyonsdown
(Mark Birri
12 Jun 2011  2. Jesus bears witness to John
(Matthew 11:7-11:15) 
Emmanuel Wimbledon
(Rupert Shelley
12 Sep 2010  Matthew 11:7-24
(Matthew 11:7-24) 
Holyrood Evangelical Church
(Phil Hair
30 Apr 2006  Greatness
(Matthew 11:7-15) 
St Andrew the Great
(Mark Ashton
30 Apr 2006  Greatness
(Matthew 11:7-15) 
St Andrew the Great
(Mark Ashton
11 Sep 2003  Inquisitive enquiries
(Matthew 11:7-15) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Jago Wynne