Pontesbury Baptist Church
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Recently added sermons
Recently added speakers
John BillettDr Richard Birch
Reuben Gardner
Mike Wells
Martin Wells
Alan Wells
James Williams
Recently added series
HABAKKUK - Where is God?OBADIAH - Who is on the Lord's Side?
1 SAMUEL - Looking for a Leader worth following!
ESTHER - God's Invisible Hand
PHILIPPIANS - Paul's Lockdown Letter
Lockdown Sermons 2020
Easter 2020
1 2 and 3 John - Tests of Life!
1 Corinthians - Messy Church!
Easter Services 2019
Job: Wrestling with suffering
Nehemiah - Pray / Plan / Build
Psalms - God's Hymnbook
Malachi - A dialogue with God
Judges: Broken people; Faithful God
John's Gospel: The King Revealed