Recent sermons

Date Title Count
21 Jul 2024 09:00  Psalm 80 - Restore, Return, Revive
(Psalms 80:1-19-The start of our summer series of psalms, starting with Psalm 80
14 Jul 2024 18:00  Ephesians 1:1-14 - Summer Praise
(Ephesians 1:1-14-Special "Rooted Summer Praise" service, with Mike preaching on Ephesians 1
12 May 2024 18:00  Revelation 21:1-8 - Basic Christianity 5 - Rescue or Ruin
(Revelation 21:1-8-Revelation 21:1-8
12 May 2024 09:00  Matthew 8:1-17 - Jesus' Authority
(Matthew 8:1-17-Matthew 8:1-17
5 May 2024 18:00  Romans 3:21-26 - Basic Christianity 4 Rescue
(Romans 3:21-26-Romans 3:21-26
28 Apr 2024 18:00  Genesis 3:1-10 - Basic Christianity 3 - Rebellion
(Genesis 3:1-10-Genesis 3:1-10
21 Apr 2024 18:00  Colossians 1:15-23 - Basic Christianity 2 - Roots
(Colossians 1:15-23-Colossians 1:15-23
14 Apr 2024 18:00  Luke 1:1-4, John 1:1-3,14 - Basic Christianity 1: Revelation
(Luke 1:1-4-Luke 1:1-4, John 1:1-3,14-Basic Christianity 1: Revelation
7 Apr 2024 09:00  Matthew 6:7-15 - The Lord's Prayer
(Matthew 6:7-15-Our series in Matthew's gospel reaches the Lord's prayer
31 Mar 2024 09:00  John 11:1-45 - I am the resurrection and the life
(John 11:1-45-Our next sermon in our I AM series-looking at Jesus, the resurrection and the life on t
24 Mar 2024 10:00  2 Corinthians 9:1-15 - Generous Fellowship
(2 Corinthians 9:1-15-The final sermon in our Kingdom Generosity series, looking at fellowship in the
17 Mar 2024 19:00  1 John 4 - Living in Love
(1 John 4:7-21-The third of our Rooted evening services
17 Mar 2024 10:00  2 Corinthians 8:1-15 - Partnership in the Gospel
(2 Corinthians 8:1-15-Second sermon in our series on Kingdom Generosity: The first was on 3rd March 2
10 Mar 2024 19:00  John 16:5-16 - Walking in Truth
(John 16:5-16-Our second "Rooted" evening service with Mike's talk followed by Q&A
3 Mar 2024 19:00  John 2 - Walking in Truth, Living in Love
(2 John 1:1-13-First talk from our new evening service, "Rooted"
25 Dec 2023 10:00  Christmas Day - No-one has ever seen God
(John 1:1-19-Christmas Day service from St John's: Mike's talk was from John 1
17 Dec 2023 19:30  Carols by Candlelight - God speaks to us
(Hebrews 1:1-3-Carols by Candlelight from St John's: Mike's talk from Hebrews 1:1-3
3 Dec 2023 10:00  Matthew 4:12-25 - Jesus begins to preach
(Matthew 4:12-25-Jesus begins to preach and heal, and calls his first disciples
26 Nov 2023 10:00  Matthew 4:1-11 - Jesus in the wilderness
(Matthew 4:1-11-We had a small technical issue during the recording: Approximately 20 seconds of Mike
12 Nov 2023 10:00  John 15:12-17 - Remembrance Sunday
(John 15:12-17-All-age Remembrance Sunday service: Mike's talk was from John 15:12-17