Date Title Church
27 Jan 2013  A Passion To Restore
(Nehemiah 1:1-11) 
Westminster Chapel
(Greg Haslam
27 Jan 2013  A Passion To Restore
(Nehemiah 1:1-11) 
Westminster Chapel
(Greg Haslam
20 Jan 2013  Famed For Our Faith
(Nehemiah 1:1-4) 
Westminster Chapel
(Greg Haslam
20 Jan 2013  Famed For Our Faith
(Nehemiah 1:1-4) 
Westminster Chapel
(Greg Haslam
23 Sep 2012  Nehemiah 1:1-2:10
(Nehemiah 1:1-2) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Vincent Buchanan
23 Sep 2012  Nehemiah 1:1-2:10
(Nehemiah 1:1-2) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Vincent Buchanan
16 Sep 2012  Nehemiah 1:1-4
(Nehemiah 1:1-4) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Vincent Buchanan
16 Sep 2012  Nehemiah 1:1-4
(Nehemiah 1:1-4) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Vincent Buchanan
13 Jun 2010  God's civil servant
(Nehemiah 1:1-2:10) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Hugh Palmer
15 Apr 2010  Introduction
(Nehemiah 1:1-4) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Paul Enns
11 Oct 2009  In God we trust
(Nehemiah 1:1-2:10) 
St Ebbes, Oxford
(Suresh Menon
09 Jan 2005  Does Prayer Really Work?
(Nehemiah 1:1-2:20) 
St Andrew the Great
(Frank Price
13 May 2001  'We have not obeyed'
(Nehemiah 1:1-11) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Richard Bewes
18 Feb 2001  Nehemiah - the art of frustration
(Nehemiah 1:1-11) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Paul Blackham
04 Sep 1994  The foundation of prayer
(Nehemiah 1:1-11) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Stephen Wookey
12 May 2014  Nehemiah 1:11-2:8
(Nehemiah 1:11-2:8) 
Crofton Baptist
(Chris Munday
06 Sep 2015  We Are River City: Prayer is the Key
(Nehemiah 1:2-11) 
River City Christian
(Brian Webber
06 Sep 2015  The Prayer Life of a Restorer
(Nehemiah 1:4-11) 
Church at the Cross
(JR Vassar
06 Sep 2015  The Prayer Life of a Restorer
(Nehemiah 1:4-11) 
Church at the Cross 
03 Feb 2013  A God-sent New Job Offer
(Nehemiah 1:4-11) 
Westminster Chapel
(Greg Haslam