Date Title Church
26 May 2013  James 2:1-13
(James 2:1-13) 
Good Shepherd Mission
(Vincent Buchanan
27 Jan 2013  Real Faith ... Loves
(James 2:1-13) 
St Helen's, Bishopsgate
(David Jackman
02 Dec 2012  The Sin of Partiality
(James 2:1-13) 
Christ Church Bromley
(Kevin Newman
28 Oct 2012  Mercy and judgement
(James 2:1-13) 
Trinity Church York 
28 Oct 2012  Mercy and judgement
(James 2:1-13) 
Trinity Church York 
11 Oct 2012  When Preference Isn't Your Prerogative
(James 2:1-13) 
Grace Bible Church
(Trey Corry
08 Oct 2012  The Folly of Favoritism
(James 2:1-13) 
Grace Bible Church
(Matt Morton
19 Feb 2012  Is Impartial
(James 2:1-13) 
Charlotte Chapel
(Liam Garvie
20 Jun 2010  No room for favouritism
(James 2:1-13) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Rico Tice
28 Feb 2010  Show no Partiality
(James 2:1-13) 
St Helen's, Bishopsgate
(Chris Fishlock
05 Oct 2008  James 2:1-13
(James 2:1-13) 
Holyrood Evangelical Church
(Phil Hair
06 Jul 2008  Let me show you the cheap seats
(James 2:1-13) 
St Andrew the Great
(James Poole
27 Jan 2008  James 2
(James 2:1-26) 
Grace Church Manchester
(Phil Keymer
08 Oct 2006  4. Dangerous discrimination
(James 2:1-13) 
Charlotte Chapel
(Colin Adams
12 Jun 2005  Wholehearted love
(James 2:1-13) 
St Ebbes, Oxford
(Vaughan Roberts
05 Dec 2004  A Classless People
(James 2:1-13) 
Cambridge Presbyterian Church
(Ian Hamilton
01 Oct 2000  Wealth, power and prestige
(James 2:1–13) 
St Andrew the Great
(Mark Ashton
01 Oct 2000  Wealth, power and prestige
(James 2:1-13) 
St Andrew the Great
(Mark Ashton
20 Oct 1996  How can we outlaw discrimination
(James 2:1-13) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Richard Bewes
05 May 1996  Bias to the poor
(James 2:1–13) 
St Andrew the Great
(Mark Ashton