Date Title Church
28 Sep 2022  17
(2 Samuel 16) 
Calvary Albuquerque
(Skip Heitzig
08 May 2022  Justice and mercy
(2 Samuel 16:15-19:8) 
Christ Church Hemel
(Sam Buckley
20 Mar 2022  2 Samuel 16
(2 Samuel 16) 
Aigburth Community Church Liverpool
(Steve Palframan
07 Jul 2019  2 Samuel 16:15-20:26 - The return of the King
(2 Samuel 16:15-20:26) 
Church by the Bay
(Gerry Straker
12 Feb 2017  False Teaching's Effects
(2 Samuel 16) 
Holy Trinity Lyonsdown 
24 Jul 2016  God With A Plan
(2 Samuel 16:1-17:29) 
(David Anderson
25 Oct 2015  In the Presence of My Enemies
(2 Samuel 16) 
St John's Hartford
(Chris Collins
25 Oct 2014  God's sovereign power in disaster and rescue
(2 Samuel 16) 
Christ Church Bradford
(Luke Plant
16 Jun 2014  The Kingdom in Crisis 6, False Teachers
(2 Samuel 16:15-17) 
Holy Trinity Lyonsdown
(Rich Hall
15 Jun 2014  False Teachers
(2 Samuel 16:15) 
Holy Trinity Lyonsdown