Date Title Speaker Count  
12 May 2024 12:00  Spiritual safeguarding
(Philippians 3:1-11
Greg Strain  2 
12 May 2024 12:00  True instruction really matters
(Malachi 2:1-9
Luke Forty  1 
5 May 2024 12:00  Easy offerings really are unacceptable
(Malachi 1:6-14
Luke Forty  0 
5 May 2024 12:00  Surely God is good to his people?
(Psalm 73
Greg Strain  1 
28 Apr 2024 12:00  God's love really does make a difference
(Malachi 1:1-5
Luke Forty  0 
28 Apr 2024 12:00  Jesus' prayer for all believers - unity and mission
(John 17
Justin Sleep  1 
21 Apr 2024 12:00  A Christian worker's reference
(Philippians 2:19-30
Greg Strain  0 
21 Apr 2024 12:00  Lot's rescue and God's mercy
(Genesis 19
Luke Forty  0 
14 Apr 2024 12:00  Working out your salvation with fear and trembling
(Philippians 2:12-16
Greg Strain  0 
14 Apr 2024 12:00  Empty corporate worship leads to judgement
(Jeremiah 7:1-8:3
Reece Nash  3 
7 Apr 2024 12:00  Confidence in the apostles
(John 21
Greg Strain  3 
7 Apr 2024 12:00  Sodom's sin and God's judgement
(Genesis 18:16-19:29
Luke Forty  2 
31 Mar 2024 12:00  Jesus' resurrection
(John 20:1-31
Greg Strain  0 
31 Mar 2024 12:00  God gives life to the dead
(Genesis 17:15-22, 18:1-15
Luke Forty  0 
29 Mar 2024 12:00  Jesus' death
(John 19:28-42
Greg Strain  1 
24 Mar 2024 12:00  Behold our king
(John 19:16-30
Greg Strain  0 
24 Mar 2024 12:00  We are not home yet
(Hebrews 11:8-16
Luke Forty  0 
17 Mar 2024 12:00  Children of Abraham
(Genesis 17
Luke Forty  1 
17 Mar 2024 12:00  Dead to sin, alive to God
(Romans 6:1-14
Greg Strain  1 
10 Mar 2024 12:00  Behold the man!
(John 18:24-19:16
Greg Strain  0