Date Title Speaker Count  
22 Jan 2023 18:00  thumbnail for talkFaith in the mess of life.:
3. Faith in the big things
(Genesis 22
Tom Inman  1182 
22 Jan 2023 11:30  thumbnail for talkBeing me:
3. Broken gender
(Genesis 1:26-31
Chris Edwards  1220 
15 Jan 2023 18:00  thumbnail for talkFaith in the mess of life.:
2. The promises of God
(Genesis 21
Matt Lanstone  1201 
15 Jan 2023 11:30  thumbnail for talkBeing me:
2. A broken me who can't know myself
(Jeremiah 17:5-10
Jon Tuckwell  1214 
8 Jan 2023 18:00  thumbnail for talkFaith in the mess of life.:
1. The patience of God
(Genesis 20
Chris Edwards  1361 
8 Jan 2023 11:30  thumbnail for talkBeing me:
1. A God who knows me
(Psalm 139
Jon Tuckwell  1387 
18 Dec 2022 11:30  thumbnail for talkAn extraordinary King
(Isaiah 9:2 6-7 & Luke 2:8-12
Tom Inman  1165 
11 Dec 2022 19:00  thumbnail for talkThe light of the world is here
(Isaiah 9:1-7
Chris Edwards  1164 
4 Dec 2022 18:00  thumbnail for talkJesus changes everything:
4 The free gift of life
(Acts 13:13-39
John Raj  1188 
4 Dec 2022 11:30  thumbnail for talkHope in hard times:
2 Signs of the times
(Luke 21:20-36
Jon Tuckwell  1260 
27 Nov 2022 18:00  thumbnail for talkJesus changes everything:
3 Spiritual power
(Acts 13:1-12
Chris Edwards  1157 
27 Nov 2022 11:30  thumbnail for talkHope in hard times:
1 Wars and plagues
(Luke 21:5-19
David Gibson  1156 
20 Nov 2022 18:00  thumbnail for talkJesus changes everything:
2 A matter of life and death
(Acts 12:1-25
Matthew Sleeman  1160 
20 Nov 2022 11:30  thumbnail for talkGetting to the heart:
4 Kept safe
(1 Samuel 18-19
Chris Edwards  1148 
13 Nov 2022 18:00  thumbnail for talkJesus changes everything:
1 Unity and growth
(Acts 11
David Hooke  1183 
13 Nov 2022 11:30  thumbnail for talkGetting to the heart:
3 The giant killer
(1 Samuel 17:32-50
Matt Porter  1152 
6 Nov 2022 18:00  thumbnail for talkGod's alarm clock:
3 Gathered and brought home
(Zephaniah 3:9-20
Tom Inman  1162 
6 Nov 2022 11:30  thumbnail for talkGetting to the heart:
2 Searching for peace
(1 Samuel 16:14-23
Chris Edwards  1146 
30 Oct 2022 18:00  thumbnail for talkGod's alarm clock:
2 Gathered for wrath
(Zephaniah 2:4-3:8
Eric Ortlund  1160 
30 Oct 2022 11:30  thumbnail for talkGetting to the heart:
1 What matters most
(1 Samuel 16:1-13
Chris Edwards  1165