Date Title Speaker Count  
20 Feb 2022 11:30  thumbnail for talkA Passion for life:
Open doors
(Colossians 4:2-3
Chris Edwards  1095 
13 Feb 2022 18:00  thumbnail for talkJesus changes everything:
5 The purpose of persecution
(Acts 8:1b-8
Tom Inman  1070 
13 Feb 2022 11:30  thumbnail for talkSomebody to love:
6 Peaceful church
(1 Corinthians 14:26-40
Jon Tuckwell  1048 
6 Feb 2022 11:30  thumbnail for talkSomebody to love:
5. The danger of double-dutch
(1 Corinthians 14:1-25
Jon Tuckwell  1066 
30 Jan 2022 18:00  thumbnail for talkJesus changes everything:
4. The cost of discipleship
(Acts 6:8-8:1a
Chris Edwards  1047 
30 Jan 2022 11:30  thumbnail for talkSomebody to love:
4. Above all else
(1 Corinthians 13
Jon Tuckwell  1072 
23 Jan 2022 18:00  thumbnail for talkJesus changes everything:
3. Right priorities
(Acts 6:1-7
Carl Brooks-Plunkett  1070 
23 Jan 2022 11:30  thumbnail for talkSomebody to love:
3. Do miracles happen today?
(1 Corinthians 12:1-31
Jon Tuckwell  1068 
16 Jan 2022 18:00  thumbnail for talkJesus changes everything:
2. Right fear
(Acts 5:17-42
Jon Featherstone  1058 
16 Jan 2022 11:30  thumbnail for talkSomebody to love:
2. How to have a healthy body
(1 Corinthians 12:12-31
Jon Tuckwell  1077 
9 Jan 2022 11:30  thumbnail for talkSomebody to love:
1. Give it away
(1 Corinthians 12:1-11
Jon Tuckwell  1081 
2 Jan 2022 10:30  thumbnail for talkSimple, unglamorous faith
(Matthew 2:19-23
Tim Ward  1052 
26 Dec 2021 10:30  thumbnail for talkBoxing Day 2021
(Matthew 2:13-18
Jon Tuckwell  1045 
12 Dec 2021 18:00  thumbnail for talkJesus changes everything:
8.Gospel gifts
(Acts 4:32-37
Jon Tuckwell  1053 
5 Dec 2021 18:00  thumbnail for talkJesus changes everything:
7. Can't keep quiet
(Acts 3:11-4:31
Madhush Mathews  1064 
5 Dec 2021 11:30  thumbnail for talkGetting to the heart:
6. Facing Reality
(1 Samuel 7: 3-17
Chris Edwards  1053 
28 Nov 2021 18:00  thumbnail for talkJesus changes everything:
6 Beautifully restored
(Acts 3:1-10
Matt Lanstone  1077 
28 Nov 2021 11:30  thumbnail for talkGetting to the heart:
5 God in a box?
(1 Samuel 5:1-7:2
Chris Edwards  1070 
21 Nov 2021 18:00  thumbnail for talkJesus changes everything:
5 True fellowship
(Acts 2: 42-47
Jon Tuckwell  1098 
21 Nov 2021 11:30  thumbnail for talkGetting to the heart:
4. Complacency kills
(1 Samuel 4
Jon Featherstone  1056