Date Title Speaker Count  
14 Aug 2016 10:30  Our You "A Living Stone" ?
(2 Peter 2:4-10
Terry Boyle  1 
7 Aug 2016 10:30  Portraits of Christ
(Isaiah 7:1-18
Andrew Taylor  1 
31 Jul 2016 10:30  What do You Filter Out
(Hebrews 2:1-18
John McDonald  4 
24 Jul 2016 10:30  The Reasons for Trials and Tribulations
(1 Peter 1:1-10
Terry Boyle  1 
17 Jul 2016 10:30  Isaiah's Visions
(Isaiah 2
Andrew Taylor  3 
10 Jul 2016 10:30  "DO NOT WORRY" its a command
(Matthew 6:25-34
Mark Smith  4 
3 Jul 2016 10:30  Prophets, Judges and Kings
(1 Samuel 12:1-25
Adam Goddard  3 
26 Jun 2016 10:30  Baptism Sunday For Grace Fellowship
(Matthew 3
Terry Boyle  2 
19 Jun 2016 10:30  God "Is Our FAther"
(Matthew 6:5-10
Quentin Tanton  0 
12 Jun 2016 10:30  In Gods Courtroom
(Isaiah 6:1-13
Andrew Taylor  1 
5 Jun 2016 10:30  Even more "help from our friends"
(Colossians 4:7-18
Colin Howells  1 
29 May 2016 10:30  With a Little Help from your Friends
(Colossians 4:7-13
Colin Howells  1 
22 May 2016 10:30  What Idols "DO YOU HAVE" ?
(Mark 10:11-15
Terry Boyle  0 
15 May 2016 10:30  A picture of Salvation
(Luke 19:1-10
David Lovi  5 
8 May 2016 10:30  Seasoned with Salt
(Colossians 4:2-6
Bob Gehrke  2 
24 Apr 2016 10:30  Christians at Work
(Colossians 3:22-4:1
Nick McQuaker  3 
17 Apr 2016 10:30  Living in a Christain Home
(Colossians 3:18-21
Paul Davis  2 
10 Apr 2016 10:30  Baptism"Its a Command"
(Romans 6:1-14
Jim Sayers  1 
3 Apr 2016 10:30  Flourishing in Peace
(Colossians 3:15-17
Andrew Taylor  2 
27 Mar 2016 10:30  "The Game Changer"
(Luke 24:1-12
Terry Boyle  0