Date Title Speaker Count  
14 Aug 2008  Psalm 110 
Richard Dryer  3 
10 Aug 2008  Shepherd of God’s flock
(Acts 20:25-31
Paul Clarke  1 
10 Aug 2008  The Atheist
(Psalm 14:1-7
Dick Lucas  71 
7 Aug 2008  Psalm 107 
Wes Illingsworth  0 
3 Aug 2008  Suffering in God's service
(Acts 20:22-27
Paul Clarke  2 
3 Aug 2008  Conduct yourselves with fear
(1 Peter 1:13-25
Andrew Sach  1 
31 Jul 2008  Religious extremism is good 
Charlie Skrine  5 
27 Jul 2008  Servant of God's Son
(Acts 20:17-21
Paul Clarke  7 
27 Jul 2008  I will teach you the fear of the Lord
(Psalm 34:1-22
Andrew Sach  7 
24 Jul 2008  How can a loving God send anyone to hell? 
Paul Clarke  2 
20 Jul 2008  Authentic Faith
(James 2:14-26
David Cook  8 
20 Jul 2008  Authentic Faith
(Acts 9:19-31
David Cook  11 
17 Jul 2008  Why does God let us suffer? 
Paul Clarke  0 
13 Jul 2008  18 December 520BC (Part 2) + Questions/Answers Session
(Haggai 2:20-23
Andrew Sach  8 
13 Jul 2008  The conversion of Saul
(Acts 9:1-19
William Taylor  4 
10 Jul 2008  Can I be good without God? 
Paul Clarke  1 
6 Jul 2008  18 December 520BC (Part 1)
(Haggai 2:10-19
Andrew Sach  11 
6 Jul 2008  The Ethiopian and the Gospel
(Acts 8:26-40
William Taylor  2 
3 Jul 2008  Can we trust the Bible? 
Paul Clarke  1 
29 Jun 2008  17th October 520BC
(Haggai 1:15-Haggai 2:9
Andrew Sach  6