Date Title Speaker Count
24 Jun 2018  The end
(Daniel 12:1-13
Phil Hair  1 
17 Jun 2018  Getting on with it
(Daniel 11:21-45
Phil Hair  1 
10 Jun 2018  Singing the Lord's song in a strange land
(Daniel 11:1-20
Andrew Quinn  1 
03 Jun 2018  A great conflict? Let's pray
(Daniel 10:1-11v1
Andrew Quinn  0 
27 May 2018  The Pressures and Privilege of getting on with the King's Business
(Daniel 9:1-27
Warner Hardie  3 
20 May 2018  A timeless message of pastoral encouragement
(Daniel 8:1-27
Phil Hair  0 
13 May 2018  Apocalypse now
(Daniel 7:1-28
Phil Hair  0 
06 May 2018  In the Lions Den
(Daniel 6:1-28
Phil Hair  1 
29 Apr 2018  Sovereign God—Standing at the door
(Daniel 5:1-31
Andrew Quinn  0 
15 Apr 2018  The man who had it all - or so he thought
(Daniel 4:1-37
Phil Hair  0 
25 Mar 2018  In the furnace
(Daniel 3:1-30
Phil Hair  1 
18 Mar 2018  Getting things in perspective
(Daniel 2:1-49
Phil Hair  1 
11 Mar 2018  Dare to be a Daniel - but mind how you go about it!
(Daniel 1:1-21
Phil Hair  4 
04 Mar 2018  Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit
(Daniel 1:1-2
Phil Hair  3