Recent sermons

Date Title Count
4 Feb 2024 18:00  thumbnail for talkWhere is God when life hurts?Where is God when life hurts?:
5. How God restores a sufferer
(Job 42
28 Jan 2024 18:00  thumbnail for talkWhere is God when life hurts?Where is God when life hurts?:
4. A God who fights for us
(Job 41:1-11
21 Jan 2024 18:00  thumbnail for talkWhere is God when life hurts?Where is God when life hurts?:
3. What waiting for God looks like
(Job 23
14 Jan 2024 18:00  thumbnail for talkWhere is God when life hurts?Where is God when life hurts?:
2.How to talk to a suffering friend
(Job 4
7 Jan 2024 18:00  thumbnail for talkWhere is God when life hurts?Where is God when life hurts?:
1.Why does God allow suffering that doesn't make sense?
(Job 1
30 Oct 2022 18:00  thumbnail for talkGod's alarm clockGod's alarm clock:
2 Gathered for wrath
(Zephaniah 2:4-3:8
3 Apr 2022 11:30  thumbnail for talkGetting to the heartGetting to the heart:
5 Identity crisis
(1 Samuel 13-14
5 Sep 2021 18:00  thumbnail for talkSinging in the rain of lifeSinging in the rain of life:
2 How to have a glad heart
(Psalm 16
11 Jul 2021 18:00  thumbnail for talkWhole life worshipWhole life worship:
5 Gospel knees
(Matthew 6:5-8 Romans 12:1-2