Date Title Church
30 May 2004  How can the world be reached?
(Acts 1:8) 
All Souls Langham Place
(Franklin Graham
03 Dec 2023  Advent Holy Communion
(Acts 1:9-11) 
Holy Trinity Platt
(Jack Marsh
09 May 2021  He ascended into heaven
(Acts 1:9-14) 
Jesmond Parish Church
(Jonathan Pryke
09 May 2021  He ascended into heaven
(Acts 1:9-14) 
Jesmond Parish Church
(Jonathan Pryke
26 May 2019  The Ascension
(Acts 1:9-14) 
Crofton Baptist
(Joel Dungate
26 Feb 2017  Ascension - Acts 1:9-11; Matthew 17:1-8
(Acts 1:9-11) 
Christ Church, Liverpool 
26 Feb 2017  Ascension - Acts 1:9-11; Matthew 17:1-8
(Acts 1:9-11) 
Christ Church, Liverpool
(Ken Lippold
08 Nov 2016  Christ's Imminent Return
(Acts 1:9-11) 
Alfred Place Baptist Church
(Bryan Camp
13 Sep 2015  Do I really need to go to Church?
(Acts 1:9-26) 
Westminster Chapel
(Greg Haslam
23 Oct 2014  Acts 1:9-11
(Acts 1:9-11) 
St Andrew the Great
(Howard Spencer