Date Title Speaker Count  
2 Nov 2020 15:18  The God who guides his people
(Numbers 10:11-36
Trinity Church, Bradford  1 
27 Oct 2020 08:40  Everything is ready
(Numbers 7:1-10:10
Trinity Church, Bradford  8 
21 Oct 2020 22:15  Bearing God's name
(Numbers 5-6
Trinity Church, Bradford  1 
13 Oct 2020 10:23  The God who lives with his people
(Numbers 1-4
Trinity Church, Bradford  6 
13 Oct 2020 10:21  Jesus reinstates Peter
(John 21
Trinity Church, Bradford  5 
8 Oct 2020 14:39  Thomas' unrestrained confession Tom Swinney
(John 1-21
Trinity Church, Bradford  4 
8 Oct 2020 14:34  The Scriptures must be fulfilled
(John 1-21
Trinity Church, Bradford  3 
8 Oct 2020 14:28  The Father's will
(John 18
Trinity Church, Bradford  4 
30 Sep 2020 13:09  The generous giving Father
(John 1-21
Trinity Church, Bradford  3 
3 Sep 2020 09:56  The forgotten Father
(John 16:16-33
Trinity Church, Bradford  3 
27 Aug 2020 16:37  How to persuade those who hate you
(John 15:18-16:15
Trinity Church, Bradford  0 
20 Aug 2020 14:15  Bearing fruit for the Father
(John 15:1-17
Trinity Church, Bradford  1 
20 Aug 2020 13:38  Clarity not confusion
(John 14:15-31
Trinity Church, Bradford  0 
20 Aug 2020 13:34  Why must Jesus depart?
(John 14:1-14
Trinity Church, Bradford  2 
20 Aug 2020 13:29  Love for one another
(John 13
Trinity Church, Bradford  8 
20 Aug 2020 13:24  The other-person-centred-God
(John 12
Trinity Church, Bradford  8 
20 Aug 2020 13:19  The priority
(John 11
Trinity Church, Bradford  5 
20 Aug 2020 13:16  The good shepherd
(John 10
Trinity Church, Bradford  12 
20 Aug 2020 13:11  Causing those who see to become blind 
Trinity Church, Bradford  0 
25 Jun 2020 11:28  Why the world hates Jesus
(John 7-8
Trinity Church, Bradford  0