Date Title Speaker Count  
6 Aug 2023 21:19  talk thumbnailThe Book of Daniel:
A Model Person at Prayer
(Daniel 9:1-27
Ben Martin  1 
6 Aug 2023 13:08  talk thumbnailExodus - A Salvation Story:
God is the Fixed Point at the Centre of Reality
(Exodus 19:1-25
Nick Tucker  3 
30 Jul 2023 20:43  talk thumbnailThe Book of Daniel:
Desperation and Restoration
(Daniel 8: 1-27
Don Bawtree  2 
30 Jul 2023 11:42  talk thumbnailExodus - A Salvation Story:
Rejoice and be Glad for all the Lord has Done
(Exodus 18:1-27
Ben Martin  0 
24 Jul 2023 10:40  talk thumbnailThe Book of Daniel:
Live for a Kingdom that will Never Fail or Fade
(Daniel 7:1-28
Ben Martin  1 
24 Jul 2023 10:36  talk thumbnailExodus - A Salvation Story:
God putting Himself in the Dock
(Exodus 17:1-16
Nick Tucker  1 
20 Jul 2023 11:20  talk thumbnailThe Book of Daniel:
Biblical Wisdom on How to Survive the Lion’s Den
(Daniel 6:1-28
Stephen Demetriou  1 
19 Jul 2023 07:27  talk thumbnailExodus - A Salvation Story:
Irrational response to God's Excellent Provision
(Exodus 16:1-36
Nick Tucker  4 
9 Jul 2023 21:22  talk thumbnail[The Book of Daniel] | God is not Mocked | Phil Washington| Daniel 5:1-31 
Phil Washington  0 
9 Jul 2023 12:27  talk thumbnailExodus - A Salvation Story:
Personal Deliverance from a Personal God - an ongoing need
(Exodus 15:1-27
Ben Martin  0 
4 Jul 2023 10:48  talk thumbnailThe Book of Daniel:
There is a God Who is over all
(Daniel 4:1-37
Nick Tucker  2 
4 Jul 2023 10:17  talk thumbnail[Exodus - A Salvation Story] | God doing what only He can | Ben Martin| Exodus 14:1-31 
Ben Martin  0 
27 Jun 2023 15:28  talk thumbnailThe Book of Daniel:
In the Power of Whose Hands?
(Daniel 3: 1-30
Ben Martin  2 
27 Jun 2023 15:09  talk thumbnail[Exodus - A Salvation Story] God’s Justice Satisfied by Substitutionary Death | Nick Tucker | Exodus 11:1- 12:51 
Nick Tucker  4 
18 Jun 2023 20:36  talk thumbnailThe Book of Daniel:
There is a God in Heaven
(Daniel 2: 1-49
Don Bawtree  2 
18 Jun 2023 11:43  talk thumbnail[Exodus - A Salvation Story] A Dangerous Thing to Ignore the Living God | Stephen Demetriou | Exodus 7:14-10:29 
Stephen Demetriou  0 
12 Jun 2023 17:59  talk thumbnailThe Book of Daniel:
Faithful in a Hostile World
(Daniel 1: 1-21
Nick Tucker  5 
12 Jun 2023 09:22  talk thumbnailExodus - A Salvation Story:
Do not harden your hearts
(Exodus 6:13-7:13
Ben Martin  0 
4 Jun 2023 19:53  talk thumbnail1 Timothy:
Take Hold of the Life which is Truly Life
(1 Timothy 6: 1-21
Phil Washington  0 
4 Jun 2023 11:47  talk thumbnail[Trinity Sunday 2023] A God of Relationship - The Trinity | Nick Tucker | Matthew 28:16-20, Ephesians 4:1-6 
Nick Tucker  1