Date Title Speaker Count  
23 Aug 2020 17:30  Keep Praying and Carry On 
Marcelo Albuquerque  0 
23 Aug 2020 14:30  Your Reward is Great in Heaven 
Scott Templeton  0 
23 Aug 2020 09:00  Why Pray When You Don’t Feel Like It 
RT Kendall  205 
16 Aug 2020 17:30  Miracles of All Kinds 
Roberts Liardon  25 
16 Aug 2020 14:30  The Beatitudes – part 1 
Scott Templeton  1 
16 Aug 2020 11:00  God’s Provision for Your Return 
Colin Dye  13 
9 Aug 2020 17:30  What Do You Want Me to Do for You? 
Scott Templeton  0 
9 Aug 2020 14:30  New Places, New Experiences 
Gordon Neale  0 
9 Aug 2020 11:00  2 Mysterious Reasons for Prayer 
RT Kendall  189 
2 Aug 2020 17:30  How to Pray 
RT Kendall  186 
2 Aug 2020 14:30  Advancing in God’s Promises 
Gordon Neale  0 
2 Aug 2020 11:00  A Totally Fresh Start 
Colin Dye  4 
26 Jul 2020 17:30  The Blessing is in the Doing 
Scott Templeton  1 
26 Jul 2020 14:30  Your Voice 
Bunmi Omidiran  0 
26 Jul 2020 11:00  The Return 
Colin Dye  4 
19 Jul 2020 17:30  An Enemy Has Done This 
Praise Olatona  0 
19 Jul 2020 14:30  Hear, Listen and Receive the Word 
Claudeth Hitchman  0 
19 Jul 2020 11:00  Finish the Work You are Called to Do 
Malcolm Duncan  1 
12 Jul 2020 17:30  God’s Mission, Our Assignment 
Deo-Gratias Dravie  0 
12 Jul 2020 14:30  God Has Promised 
Scott Templeton  0