Date Title Speaker Count  
4 Oct 2020 14:30  Under Construction 
Scott Templeton  0 
4 Oct 2020 11:00  Strengthening Your Personal Relationships 
RT Kendall  182 
27 Sep 2020 17:30  From Victory to Defeat to Victory 
Gordon Neale  0 
27 Sep 2020 14:30  Do Not Be Silent You Must Testify 
Scott Templeton  0 
22 Sep 2020 11:00  65 Days of Devotions 
Colin and Amanda  0 
20 Sep 2020 14:30  Connected Through Love with Purpose 
Claudeth Hitchman  1 
20 Sep 2020 11:00  Speaking Blessings 
RT Kendall  203 
20 Sep 2020 11:00  Living Above Disappointment 
Colin Dye  31 
16 Sep 2020 11:00  Leading Your Cell to Growth - The Six Month Plan 
Colin Dye  4 
13 Sep 2020 17:30  Jericho Will Fall 
Gordon Neale  0 
13 Sep 2020 14:30  The Secret of the Christian Life: stay connected! 
Scott Templeton  0 
13 Sep 2020 11:00  Brokenness A Stepping Stone or a Stumbling Block? 
Colin Dye  25 
6 Sep 2020 17:30  Building the Walls of Salvation 
Colin Dye  8 
6 Sep 2020 14:30  Obeying the Heavenly Vision 
Colin Dye  7 
6 Sep 2020 14:30  6th September PM 2020 Worship 
KT Worship  0 
6 Sep 2020 11:00  Ministering from a Place of Rest 
Colin Dye  5 
6 Sep 2020 11:00  6th September AM 2020 Worship 
KT Worship  0 
6 Sep 2020 09:00  Communion Service - No Condemnation 
Colin Dye  7 
30 Aug 2020 17:30  The God Who Encourages Us 
Michael Youssef  1 
30 Aug 2020 14:30  Preserving the Truth, Lighting the Way 
Claudeth Hitchman  0