Date Title Speaker Count  
28 May 2014 19:54  Thanksgiving
(Psalm 30
Jason Palacio  1 
19 May 2014 16:05  talk thumbnailThe Lost Art of Lament
(Psalm 69
Hugh Lashbrooke  2 
19 May 2014 16:05  The Lost Art of Lament
(Psalm 69
Jason Palacio  0 
13 May 2014 13:06  A New Song
(Psalm 98
Jason Palacio  2 
13 May 2014 13:06  talk thumbnailA New Song
(Psalm 98
Hugh Lashbrooke  1 
13 May 2014 12:45  Fertilised Soil
(Matthew 13:1-23
Jason Palacio  1 
13 May 2014 12:45  talk thumbnailFertilised Soil
(Matthew 13:1-23
Hugh Lashbrooke  0 
29 Apr 2014 09:33  Who is your neighbour?
(Luke 10:25-37
Jason Palacio  1 
29 Apr 2014 09:33  talk thumbnailWho is your neighbour?
(Luke 10:25-37
Hugh Lashbrooke  0 
14 Apr 2014 19:59  One Life: Don’t Waste It
(Luke 12: 13-21
Jason Palacio  0 
14 Apr 2014 19:59  talk thumbnailOne Life: Don’t Waste It
(Luke 12: 13-21
Hugh Lashbrooke  1 
7 Apr 2014 18:40  Shrewdness: Investing in People for Eternity
(Luke 16:1-15
Jason Palacio  0 
7 Apr 2014 18:40  talk thumbnailShrewdness: Investing in People for Eternity
(Luke 16:1-15
Hugh Lashbrooke  0 
3 Apr 2014 13:00  Pray and Never Give Up
(Luke 18:1-8
Jason Palacio  0 
3 Apr 2014 13:00  talk thumbnailPray and Never Give Up
(Luke 18:1-8
Hugh Lashbrooke  1 
21 Mar 2014 07:29  The Secret of Contentment
(Philippians 4:10-23
Jason Palacio  0 
21 Mar 2014 07:29  talk thumbnailThe Secret of Contentment
(Philippians 4:10-23
Hugh Lashbrooke  0 
6 Mar 2014 13:00  Keep Moving
(Philippians 3:12- 4
Jason Palacio  0 
6 Mar 2014 13:00  talk thumbnailKeep Moving
(Philippians 3:12-4
Hugh Lashbrooke  0 
25 Feb 2014 16:29  One Resolution to Keep
(Philippians 3:1-14
Jason Palacio  0