Name Num sermons
Ephessians  14
Encounter Jesus  2
Immanuel - Christmas 2016  2
I Saw Heaven Open  4
I Saw Heaven Opened  15
Reach, Grow, Serve  5
The Penitential Psalms  1
A King Like All the Other Nations  7
Easter  1
The Sevant Song  4
A light in the Darkness  1
Behold Your God  5
Ruth  1
You Only Live Twice  2
Stand Firm Ep. 2 (1 Peter 1.3-2.3)

Often the world drags us, beats the confidence out us. Then comes the Bible in the midst of our persecution, it tells us we are more than how the world sees us. We have a glorious future, that is far more richer and glorious than our sorry present state. However, the future is already here, in the sense that we begin to live in the reality of that future now. The preacher is doing an over view of 1.3-2.10 and he will raise three questions: 1) What our future looks like; 2) How we can get to that future; and 3) How do we begin to live now in reality of this future.

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