Date Title Speaker Count
16 Jun 2024  7. The freedom to rest
(Matthew 12:1-14
Jon Tuckwell  501 
09 Jun 2024  6. The command to rest
(Exodus 20:1-21
Jon Tuckwell  849 
02 Jun 2024  5. A future rest
(Hebrews 4:1-16
Chris Edwards  532 
26 May 2024  4. Finding rest in Jesus
(Matthew 11:25-30
Tim Ward  731 
12 May 2024  3. A God who rests
(Genesis 1:1-2:3
Jon Tuckwell  609 
05 May 2024  2. The brokenness of work
(Genesis 3:17-24
Jonnie Armstrong  590 
28 Apr 2024  1. The goodness of work
(Genesis 2
Matt Lanstone  642