Date Title Speaker Count
08 Oct 2023  6. Hope
(Psalm 130
Steve Hayhow  5 
01 Oct 2023  5. Suffering: How can we believe in a good God?
(Job 38:1-13
Steve Hayhow  1 
24 Sep 2023  4. Truth and Beauty.
(Psalm 27
Steve Hayhow  10 
17 Sep 2023  3. Freedom and Morality: Isn't Religion Oppressive?
(John 8:31-38
Steve Hayhow  0 
10 Sep 2023  2. Creation: Has Science Disproven God?
(Jeremiah 10:11-16
Steve Hayhow  0 
03 Sep 2023  1. God and Meaning
(Acts 17:16-23
Steve Hayhow  0