Date Title Speaker Count
24 May 2015  The restoration God
(John 21:1-25
Phil Hair  0 
17 May 2015  Jesus – Last Moments, Last Word, Last Respects
(John 19:28-42
Andrew Quinn  3 
10 May 2015  The crucifixion - Part 1
(John 19:16-27
Phil Hair  6 
03 May 2015  Jesus before Pilate / Pilate before Jesus
(John 18:28-19:16
Phil Hair  2 
26 Apr 2015  Betrayed, questioned, and denied: God's plan for my sake
(John 18:1-27
Phil Hair  0 
13 Apr 2014  Luke's Gospel - 19
(Luke 23:26-49
Phil Hair  4