Date Title Speaker Count
07 Jul 2024  God's government
(Romans 13:1-7
Chris Lowe  1 
19 May 2024  Prayer and forgiveness
(Matthew 18:21-35
Chris Lowe  1 
12 May 2024  The Lord's Prayer
(Matthew 6:5-15
Adam Penwright  0 
05 May 2024  Prayer - how not to pray
(Matthew 6:5-15
Chris Lowe  0 
31 Mar 2024  A living hope
(1 Peter 1:3-6
Chris Lowe  1 
29 Mar 2024  Jesus the suffering servant
(Isaiah 52:13-53:6
Chris Lowe  0 
11 Sep 2022  Grieving with hope
(1 Thessalonians 4:13-17
Chris Lowe  4 
10 Jul 2022  What can stand in the way of my being baptised?
(Acts 8:26-40
Chris Lowe  0 
15 Apr 2022  The crucifixion of Jesus
(Luke 23:26-46
Chris Lowe  2 
06 Mar 2022  the great crowd
(Revelation 7:9-17
Chris Lowe  3 
01 Nov 2020  Life in the desert
(Exodus 15:22-17:7
Chris Lowe  1 
06 Sep 2020  I carried you on eagles' wings
(Exodus 19:1-8
Chris Lowe  2 
01 Mar 2020  Who carries whom?
(Isaiah 46
Chris Lowe  3 
18 Aug 2019  Groaning and glory
(Romans 8:18-30
Chris Lowe  0 
09 Jun 2019  Belonging to God who raises the dead
(Mark 12:13-27
Chris Lowe  1 
03 Feb 2019  The Grace of Giving (part 1)
(1 Chronicles 29:1-20
Chris Lowe  1 
03 Feb 2019  The Grace of Giving (part 2)
(1 Chronicles 29:1-20
Chris Lowe  1 
06 Jan 2019  Boasting in God in 2019
(Romans 5:1-11
Chris Lowe  0 
02 Dec 2018  God will save
(Isaiah 40:1-11
Matt Peckham  0 
14 Oct 2018  Do what God says!
(James 1:19-27
Chris Lowe  0 
22 Apr 2018  Taxes, death and life
(Mark 12: 13-27
Chris Lowe  0 
15 Apr 2018  The gift of eternal life
(John 4:1-26
Chris Lowe  0 
02 Apr 2018  A living hope
(1 Peter 1:3-6
Chris Lowe  0 
25 Mar 2018  Jesus's glory
(John 12:1-19
Matt Peckham  1 
24 Dec 2017  The light shines in the darkness
(John 1:1-5
Matt Peckham  0 
10 Dec 2017  Mary's Song
(Luke 1:39-56
Chris Lowe  4 
22 Oct 2017  Mark 1:14-45 (partial recording)
(Mark 1:14-45
Chris Lowe  0 
17 Sep 2017  Five Year Anniversary
(Revelation 7:9-17
Chris Lowe  1 
27 Aug 2017  Mark 4:35-5:20
(Mark 4:35-5:20
Chris Lowe  2 
04 Sep 2016  Aiming For Maturity
(Colossians 1:15-2:7
Chris Lowe  0 
24 Jul 2016  The pharisee and the tax collector
(Luke 18:9-14
Simon Farewell  0 
24 Jul 2016  The rich man and Lazarus
(Luke 16:19-31
Richard Aldritt  2 
07 Jun 2016  The Certainty of Glory
(Romans 5:1-11
Mike Forsyth  0 
03 Apr 2016  The significance of the resurrection
(1 Corinthians 15:12-23
Mike Forsyth  0 
25 Mar 2016  Jesus the passover lamb
(Exodus 11:1-12:30
Chris Lowe  1 
03 Jan 2016  Lukewarm
(Revelation 3:14-22
Chris Lowe  0 
20 Dec 2015  The Word became flesh
(John 1:14
Chris Lowe  0 
13 Dec 2015  God the Word
(John 1:1-13
Richard Aldritt  1 
06 Sep 2015  Serving Him without fear
(Luke 1:57-80
Chris Lowe  0 
23 Aug 2015  Reconciliation
(2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Tim Gage  1 
05 Jan 2015  The sympathy of Jesus
(Hebrews 4:14-5:10
Chris Lowe  0 
27 Jul 2014  Praying to know God better
(Ephesians 1:15-23
Chris Lowe  0 
23 Feb 2014  Stand firm
(1 Peter 5:1-11
Andy Tufnell  0 
05 Jan 2014  Luke 2
(Luke 2
Chris Lowe  0 
13 Nov 2013  Exodus 15v22 - 16v36
(Exodus 15
Chris Lowe  0