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Date Title Speaker Count
26 Feb 2023 13:01  26 Feb 2023: Unfair Anger at Undeserved Mercy / خشم ناعادلانه از رحمت ناشایست
(Jonah 4
James Todd  17 
26 Feb 2023 13:01  26 Feb 2023 am: The Powerful Word of the Lord
(1 Kings 13:1-34
Philip Copeland  11 
26 Feb 2023 13:01  26 Feb 2023 pm: A Patriarch’s First Stumblings of Fear
(Genesis 12:10-13:1
William Philip  7 
19 Feb 2023 13:01  19 Feb 2023 am: A Dangerous Rebel and His Deadly Religion
(1 Kings 12:25-33
Philip Copeland  18 
19 Feb 2023 13:01  19 Feb 2023 pm: A Pagan’s First Strides of Faith
(Genesis 12:1-9
William Philip  7 
12 Feb 2023 13:01  12 Feb 2023 am: The Kingdom Divides
(1 Kings 12:1-24
Philip Copeland  15 
12 Feb 2023 13:01  12 Feb 2023: The Patient God / خدای صبور
(Jonah 2
Alan Clark  7 
12 Feb 2023 13:01  12 Feb 2023 pm: The Triumph of the City of God
(Genesis 11:10-12:3
William Philip  6 
5 Feb 2023 13:01  05 Feb 2023 pm: Therefore Choose Life
(1 John 2:15-27
Josh Johnston  5 
5 Feb 2023 13:01  05 Feb 2023 am: Manasseh and Amon: Hope from the Horrid - Penitence that Prospers God's Plans
(2 Chronicles 33:1-25
Josh Johnston  2 
29 Jan 2023 13:01  29 Jan 2023 am: The Terminus of the City of Man
(Genesis 11:1-9
William Philip  4 
22 Jan 2023 13:01  22 Jan 2023 pm: Conflict
(Proverbs 17
Paul Brennan  4 
22 Jan 2023 13:01  22 Jan 2023 am: The Tragedy of the City of Man
(Genesis 10:1-11:9
William Philip  4 
15 Jan 2023 13:01  15 Jan 2023 pm: The Truth about Their Sin and Their Love
(1 John 1:6-2:11
Josh Johnston  1 
15 Jan 2023 13:01  15 Jan 2023 am: Politics
(Deuteronomy 17:14-20
Paul Brennan  2 
15 Jan 2023 13:01  15 Jan 2023: The power of Jesus’ Words / قدرت کلام عیسی
(Matthew 4:12-25
Andrew Whitmarsh  11 
8 Jan 2023 13:01  08 Jan 2023 am: Words
(Proverbs 12:1-28
Paul Brennan  1 
8 Jan 2023 13:01  08 Jan 2023: The Wilderness - Temptation / بیابان - وسوسه
(Matthew 4:1-11
Steven Grant  7 
8 Jan 2023 13:01  08 Jan 2023 pm: Light that Encourages and Exposes
(1 John 1:1-5
Josh Johnston  3 
1 Jan 2023 13:01  01 Jan 2023 am: Gospel Prosperity in 2023
(Proverbs 3:1-12
Paul Brennan  4 

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