Date Title Speaker Count  
16 Jun 2019 17:30  Understanding the Spiritual Realm 
Colin Dye  2 
16 Jun 2019 14:30  Working from Rest or Resting from Work 
Gabriel Chan  0 
16 Jun 2019 11:00  Is Jesus God? 
RT Kendall  108 
9 Jun 2019 17:30  Saturated by the Spirit: Four Effects the Holy Spirit has on our Lives 
Simon Foster  20 
9 Jun 2019 14:30  Healthy Voices and Healthy Choices 
Scott Templeton  1 
9 Jun 2019 11:00  A Taste of Eden: The Coming of the Holy Spirit 
Colin Dye  7 
2 Jun 2019 17:30  There\'s Always Enough 
Gordon Neale  0 
2 Jun 2019 14:30  Too Stressed to be Blessed 
Simon Foster  7 
2 Jun 2019 11:00  Faith Verses The Faith 
RT Kendall  98 
26 May 2019 17:30  The Blessed Life Living in Abundance 
Simon Foster  5 
26 May 2019 14:30  Declining Accountability 
Gabriel Chan  0 
26 May 2019 11:00  Full Assurance of Understanding 
RT Kendall  102 
19 May 2019 17:30  The Hope of Glory 
RT Kendall  71 
19 May 2019 14:30  Postmodern Holiness 
Simon Foster  5 
19 May 2019 11:00  Wholeness 
Simon Foster  9 
12 May 2019 17:30  Discovering the New and Different 
Simon Foster  8 
12 May 2019 11:00  Storm Riders 
Colin Dye  1 
12 May 2019 09:00  En Theos – Neglecting Theology 
Scott Templeton  0 
5 May 2019 17:30  How to Live the Blessed Life 
Simon Foster  7 
5 May 2019 14:30  The Intolerance of Tolerance 
Gabriel Chan  1