Date Title Speaker Count
28 Jul 2024  Sunday 28th July 2024 - John 15:1-11
(John 15:1-11
Rev'd Will Rubie  0 
21 Jul 2024  Sunday 21 July 2024 - John 14 v1-14 
Rev'd Will Rubie  0 
14 Jul 2024  Sunday 14th July 2024
(John 11:1-27 & 38-44
Rev'd Will Rubie  0 
07 Jul 2024  Sunday 7 July 2024 - John 10 v11-21 
Rev'd Richard Criddle  0 
30 Jun 2024  Sunday 30 June 2024 - I Am the Door - John 10 v 1 - 10 
16 Jun 2024  I Am The Light of the World
(John 8:12
Pete Gaskell  0