Date Title Speaker Count
12 Feb 2023  The How of Worry - Fear Free? Living with Anxiety
(James 4:13-15, 1 Peter 5:6-11
Duncan Woods  0 
12 Feb 2023  The How of Worry - Fear Free? Living with Anxiety
(James 4:13-15, 1 Peter 5:6-11
Duncan Woods  1 
05 Feb 2023  The Why of Worry
(Matthew 6:24 - Matthew 6:34
Duncan Woods  0 
05 Feb 2023  The Why of Worry
(Matthew 6:24 - Matthew 6:34
Duncan Woods  0 
29 Jan 2023  The What of Worry - God Gets There is a Lot to Be Anxious About
(Luke 12:22-32
Duncan Woods  0 
29 Jan 2023  The What of Worry - God Gets There is a Lot to Be Anxious About
(Luke 12:22-32
Duncan Woods  1