Date Title Speaker Count
08 Oct 2023  5.The protection of the promise
(Genesis 31:1-55
John Raj  882 
02 Oct 2023  4.Blossoming blessings
(Genesis 29:31-30:43
Chris Edwards  895 
24 Sep 2023  3.Always lift the veil
(Genesis 29:1-30
Nicki Hooke  959 
17 Sep 2023  2.Stairway to heaven
(Genesis 28:10-22
Jon Tuckwell  946 
10 Sep 2023  1.Our plans, God's plans
(Genesis 26v34-28v9
Chris Edwards  940 
19 Feb 2023  7. Fighting for faith
(Genesis 26
Matt Porter  1504 
12 Feb 2023  6. Holding on to the promise
(Genesis 25
David Gibson  1512 
05 Feb 2023  5. The providence of God
(Genesis 24
Ginny Symonds  1488 
29 Jan 2023  4. Faith in the small things
(Genesis 23
Daniel Armond  1459 
22 Jan 2023  3. Faith in the big things
(Genesis 22
Tom Inman  1457 
15 Jan 2023  2. The promises of God
(Genesis 21
Matt Lanstone  1476 
08 Jan 2023  1. The patience of God
(Genesis 20
Chris Edwards  1642