Date Title Speaker Count
29 May 2022  How to be clean
(Acts 10
Ginny Symonds  1518 
22 May 2022  Jumping Joppa!
(Acts 9:32-43
Matthew Sleeman  1501 
15 May 2022  A life-changing gospel
(Acts 9:19b-31
Matthew Sleeman  1508 
08 May 2022  A Damascus experience
(Acts 9:1-19a
Matthew Sleeman  1506 
01 May 2022  Tell me, please
(Acts: 8:26-40) 
Tom Inman  1500 
24 Apr 2022  God in my pocket
(Acts 8:9-25
Stefan Davies  1472 
13 Feb 2022  5 The purpose of persecution
(Acts 8:1b-8
Tom Inman  1458 
30 Jan 2022  4. The cost of discipleship
(Acts 6:8-8:1a
Chris Edwards  1437 
23 Jan 2022  3. Right priorities
(Acts 6:1-7
Carl Brooks-Plunkett   1459 
16 Jan 2022  2. Right fear
(Acts 5:17-42
Jon Featherstone  1450 
12 Dec 2021  8.Gospel gifts
(Acts 4:32-37
Jon Tuckwell  1440 
05 Dec 2021  7. Can't keep quiet
(Acts 3:11-4:31
Madhush Mathews  1452 
28 Nov 2021  6 Beautifully restored
(Acts 3:1-10
Matt Lanstone  1464 
21 Nov 2021  5 True fellowship
(Acts 2: 42-47
Jon Tuckwell  1486 
14 Nov 2021  4. Death could not hold him
(Acts 2:14-41
Robert Espie  1461 
07 Nov 2021  3. The world changes
(Acts 2: 1-13
Jon Tuckwell  1502 
31 Oct 2021  2.How to make decisions (perhaps)
(Acts 1:12-56
Matthew Sleeman  1489 
24 Oct 2021  1. The end of the road?
(Acts 1: 1-11
Jon Featherstone  1477