Date Title Speaker Count
12 Jan 2022  Doctrine of Sovereignty: Sovereign Creator 
Andrew Sach  261 
17 Apr 2021  Prophet, Priest and King 
Andrew Sach  54 
10 Mar 2021  Christ: The Hypostatic Union 
Andrew Latimer  74 
03 Mar 2021  Christ: Christ's deity 
Andrew Latimer  72 
24 Feb 2021  Christ: Christ's humanity 
Andrew Latimer  68 
17 Feb 2021  Creation: New Creation 
Andrew Sach  134 
03 Feb 2021  Creation: Male and Female He created them 
Andrew Latimer  123 
26 Jan 2021  Creation: Historical Adam 
Andrew Sach  161 
20 Jan 2021  Creation: "In the image of God he created them..." 
Andrew Latimer  84 
13 Jan 2021  Creation: "In the beginning, God..." 
Andrew Sach  167 
17 Jun 2020  Special: Race & Racism 
Raymond Brown  294 
27 May 2020  Church: Male and Female Roles in Church 
Andrew Sach  236 
20 May 2020  Church: The Lord's Supper 
Andrew Latimer  138 
13 May 2020  Church: Baptism 
Andrew Sach  243 
06 May 2020  Church: Theology of Church Music 
Andrew Sach  125 
29 Apr 2020  Church: Worship 
Andrew Latimer  122 
22 Apr 2020  Church: Body, Building, Bride 
Andrew Latimer  39 
25 Mar 2020  Atonement: Christus Exemplar 
Andrew Sach  62 
18 Mar 2020  Atonement: Christus Victor 
Andrew Sach  64 
11 Mar 2020  Atonement: Participation 
Andrew Sach  128 
04 Mar 2020  Atonement: Substitution 
Andrew Sach  146 
26 Feb 2020  Sin: Hell 
Andrew Latimer  106 
19 Feb 2020  Sin: Concupiscence 
Andrew Latimer  109 
12 Feb 2020  Sin: Original sin 
Andrew Sach  163 
05 Feb 2020  Scripture: The sufficiency of scripture 
Andrew Latimer  107 
29 Jan 2020  Scripture: The clarity of scripture 
Andrew Sach  146 
22 Jan 2020  Scripture: The authority of scripture 
Andrew Latimer  107 
15 Jan 2020  Scripture: The necessity of scripture 
Andrew Latimer  173