
Recently added sermons

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Date Title Speaker Count
22 Aug 2021 10:00  To be a Pilgrim - Worship 
Fordham Church  1 
8 Aug 2021 10:00  To Be a Pilgrim - Reality 
Paul Southern  4 
1 Aug 2021 10:00  The Priority of Jesus 
Andy Jelfs  3 
25 Jul 2021 18:00  Praying Through Troubles and Sickness 
Francis Blight  6 
18 Jul 2021 10:00  Praying When the Gospel is Opposed 
Francis Blight  2 
11 Jul 2021 10:00  Peace in Every Land, Salvation in Every Heart 
Aella Gage  6 
4 Jul 2021 10:00  Praying for our Church Community 
Francis Blight  1 
27 Jun 2021 10:00  Jesus' Teaching on Prayer #3 
Paul Southern  0 
20 Jun 2021 10:00  Jesus' Teaching on Prayer #2 
Fordham Church  0 
13 Jun 2021 10:00  Jesus Teaching on Prayer #1 
Francis Blight  3 
30 May 2021 10:00  God in Three Persons - Blessed Trinity! 
Paul Southern  2 
23 May 2021 10:00  The Holy Spirit is Given to the Church 
Francis Blight  0 
16 May 2021 10:00  The Danger of Self Reliance 
Francis Blight  0 
9 May 2021 10:00  Jesus Christ's Open Door 
Francis Blight  1 
2 May 2021 10:00  Wake Up! 
Aella Gage  5 
25 Apr 2021 10:00  The Challenge of Consistency. Jesus' 4th Letter to Thyatira 
Paul Southern  0 
18 Apr 2021 10:00  Look to God to Meet Your Needs 
Francis Blight  1 
11 Apr 2021 10:00  Jesus’ Resurrection Appearances 
John Bradley  2 
4 Apr 2021 10:00  Easter Day Celebration: Jesus’ Resurrection Gospel That Saves 
Francis Blight  3 
28 Mar 2021 10:00  Palm Sunday: Jesus’ Journey to the Cross 
Francis Blight  0 

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